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Solstice Spell for Solar Energy Throughout the Year

Solstice Spell for Solar Energy Throughout the Year

The Rose Craft’s Wheel of the Year Spells

While the Wheel of the Year holidays are often the focus of celebration and honoring the cycles of the year, they can also be extremely potent times for magic and spellwork. So welcome to a new series: Spells for the Wheel of the Year.

This first installment focuses on the upcoming Summer Solstice. This time of the year we have the longest day of the year upon us and what better time to harness the magical energy of the sun than on the Solstice.

What follows is a fairly simple spell for collecting solar energy in a crystal or other token to tap into the rest of the year when you need a boost of energy from the sun.

Solstice Spell for Solar Energy Collection

Tools and Supplies


The only item you need for this spell is…


  • A gold-toned token or symbol representing the sun (examples: a sun or sunflower would be appropriate)


These are items that can enhance the spell but are not necessarily required for the main spell.

  • Solar charged water
  • Yellow or gold candles
  • Sunflower seeds and petals
  • Citrus essential oil or other summery/sunny blend
  • A solstice blend of herbs

When and Where

On the day of the Solstice starting at sunrise and ending at sunset.

You can make this a three or seven day long process if you are called to it. Just bring the crystal or item you are charging in at sunset each day and out again at sunrise.

Ideally, you will be finding a sunny spot outside to set your crystal at sunrise to leave throughout the day and visit at noon before bringing back in at sunset.

If you cannot leave a crystal outside safely, you may use a sunny window to perform this spell.

image of a sunrise over a field
Photo by Federico Respini on Unsplash


The main purpose of this spell is to charge the crystal of your choice with the potent solar energy of the Solstice sun. Once fully charged, you can then use this crystal as a touchstone to increase your own energy throughout the year or to harness during spellwork that needs a boost of solar energy.


  • Select an appropriate crystal you want to use, then cleanse it appropriately.
  • Decide where you are performing the spell. Inside or outside?
  • Decide if you are going to perform a single day spell or multiple days.
    • If you choose to do this spell over multiple days, just repeat the daily process.
  • Read through the full spell at least once to prepare.
  • Decide if you want to use additional supplies to enhance your spellwork and then gather them.
  • Check the time of sunrise and sunset on the days you are planning on performing the spell. This can be done via weather apps.

The Spell to Charge Your Crystal

  1. The Night Before: Gather all your supplies, double check for sunrise time, and set your alarm to give yourself enough time to wake up and get set up.
  2. Just Before Sunrise: Take all your supplies out to where you will perform the spell and prepare it.
    1. If you are using candles, you may want to carve any of the following words or symbols into it: sun, solar, solstice, the sun symbol, etc.
    2. Dress the candle with oil and herbs if desired.
    3. Lay out seeds and flower petals around the space where you will be setting your crystal or token.
    4. Light the candle a minute or so before sunrise.
  3. Sunrise: Hold your crystal toward the sunrise and recite a simple charging chant like the following: “This crystal greets the rising sun of the solstice and absorbs its potent solar energy throughout this midsummer day.”
  4. Feel the sun’s energy being drawn into the crystal that you hold in your hand. Focus on this for a minute or two. Feel its heat absorbing into and filling up the crystal and imagine it continuing as you set it down in a safe spot. Repeat the chant.
  5. Hold your hand above the crystal now, and continue your chant at least once more (total of a minimum of three times). Continue feeling the sun’s energy flowing directly into the crystal and charging it.
  6. When done with your chant and visualization process, you will now leave your crystal in the sunlight for the day and visit it twice more.
    1. If burning a candle, be sure to stay with it until it burns out or snuff it out. You can either light a new candle at your second and third visit to your crystal or relight the original.
  7. Noon: At noon, come back and visit your crystal again. Pick it up and hold it up directly to the midday sun. This time you will chant something like the following: “This crystal greets the midday sun of the solstice and absorbs its potent solar energies throughout this midsummer day.”
    1. Light a new candle or relight the original candle just before you do this.
  8. Feel the sun’s energy being drawn into the crystal that you hold in your hand. Focus on this for a minute or two. Feel its heat absorbing into and filling up the crystal and imagine it continuing as you set it down in a safe spot. Repeat the chant.
  9. Hold your hand above the crystal now, and continue your chant at least once more (total of a minimum of three times). Continue feeling the sun’s energy flowing directly into the crystal and charging it.
  10. When done with your chant and visualization process, leave the crystal in its safe spot in the sunlight for the remainder of the day before visiting it again just before sunset.
    1. Again, if using a candle, stay with it until it burns down or snuff it to relight at your final visit.
  11. Sunset: For your final visit, pick up your crystal and point it to the setting sun. Chant something similar to the following: “This crystal greets the setting sun of the solstice and has absorbed its potent solar energies throughout this longest day.”
    1. Light a candle just before this if desired.
  12. Feel the sun’s energy being drawn into the crystal that you hold in your hand. Focus on this for a minute or two. Feel its heat absorbing into and filling up the crystal and imagine it continuing as you set it down in a safe spot. Repeat the chant.
  13. Hold your hand above the crystal now, and continue your chant at least once more (total of a minimum of three times). Continue feeling the sun’s energy flowing directly into the crystal and charging it.
  14. When done with your chant and visualization process and once the sun has fully set beneath the horizon, you may pick up your crystal and take it inside and place it on your altar. Allow any candles to burn completely down this time. If you used natural sunflower seeds and petals and they haven’t blown away and still remain, you can collect them for your altar or leave them as an offering to nature.

image of a man holding a ball of light in his hands

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash  

How to Use Your Crystal Later

Later in the year, if you ever need the active energy of the sun to get your spells the extra oomph it needs or if you feel the need to tap into the sun’s energy when your energy is low, you can use this crystal or token to access the energy you have stored into it. You can use one of the following methods to tap into the energy.

  • For personal energy needs, take the crystal in both hands and request that you be filled with the solar energy that you need. Feel the energy flowing into you and filling you up. When you feel filled with a satisfactory amount of energy, thank the crystal and set it back down.
  • For spells, have it placed on your working altar and hold it above your spell when you are ready to charge it with the solar energy stored in the crystal. This will be particularly good for spells for manifesting, prosperity, happiness and joy, personal empowerment, confidence, light, health, growth, etc.

The charged solar energy should last for a whole year, however, you are more than welcome to place it out in the sunlight throughout the year to absorb more solar energies as you see fit.

Final Thoughts

As we approach the coming solstice, consider trying this simple crystal charging spell to utilize solar energies throughout the year ahead. It is a good way to help recharge yourself and add an extra oomph to your spells or even as a reminder of the sun’s energy during the winter months.

Let us know if you try this spell and how it works for you.

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